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MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell attacked the idea that the government was incapable of creating jobs during his ‘Rewrite’ segment. “It has become a matter of religious belief for Republicans that government does not create jobs,” he said. “The "it was the Obama-Holder Justice Department which first refused to retroactively reduce the unfair crack cocaine sentences under the law the president signed and the attorney general praised" Are establishment black “civil rights organizations .
contoh penyakit kutilMSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell attacked the idea that the government was incapable of creating jobs during his ‘Rewrite’ segment. “It has become a matter of religious belief for Republicans that government does not create jobs,” he said. “The "it was the Obama-Holder Justice Department which first refused to retroactively reduce the unfair crack cocaine sentences under the law the president signed and the attorney general praised" Are establishment black “civil rights organizations .
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